
To me art is an expression of existence; each piece is created from the culmination of lived experiences to express a unique or shared perspective.  As with many things in life there is rarely control over interpretation; each person’s lens has been bent and warped to make sense of their own existence. Life is a constant struggle to resolve the mind-body problem and through it you can momentarily gleam into the mind of the creator. As an Indigenous and African American artist i think the value of having more artists with unique and individual lenses creating is invaluable to the world as it currently is.

My work is a personal exhibition of my journey to reclaim my gender, racial, and sexual identity. Art has always been a coping mechanism to coalesce the constant feeling of othering. My choice of medium is representative of that. Graffiti has rarely been represented in the world of high art. Due to that I have always divided my work into two separate fields and rarely displayed the other. Scene design, scenic painting and prop work are a perfect coalition of so many pieces of my life that I rarely get to express as one. The goal of my current art is to actively combine the skills I have learned from that and my previous nine years of technical experience as a metal fabricator, a muralist, a graffiti artist and a photography set designer.

Creating is one of the few things that allows for control amongst the myriad of obstacles that act as barriers whether it be social, financial, or educational. No one can stop me from being a creator. My work doesn’t have to be beautiful; it doesn't need to last; it doesn’t need to be award winning; it simply has to exist. My only aspiration in this field is just to be able to create for a living without having to compromise or forego other parts of creation 

